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Songs for a New World

Fall Mainstage Musical

Performed in the Dan Pessano Theater

(located inside the Performing Arts Center at the Clovis North Educational Center) 

Evening Performances: November 30, December 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 at 7:30pm

Matinee Performances: December 2 & 9 at 2:00pm

Songs for a New World is, according to composer Jason Robert Brown, “about one moment. It’s about hitting the wall and having to make a choice, or take a stand, or turn around and go back.”

With a rousing score that blends elements of pop, gospel and jazz, featuring tight harmonies and darling vocals, Songs for a New World transports its audience from the deck of a spanish sailing ship bound for a new land, to the ledge of a New York penthouse. Characters range from a young man in the Bronx who dreams of becoming a famous basketball player, to a forlorn and neglected Mrs. Claus lamenting as Christmas approaches.

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Songs for a New World
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All Senior Play

Performed in Space 702 at the Clovis North Educational Center

Evening Performances: January 25, 26, 27, February 1, 2, 3 at 7:30pm

Catherine has inherited her late father’s mathematical brilliance, but she is haunted by the fear that she might also share his debilitating mental illness. She has spent years caring for her now-deceased father, and upon his death, she feels left alone to pick up the pieces of her life without him. Caught between a new-found connection with Hal, one of her father’s former students, and the reappearance of her sister, Claire, Catherine finds both her world and her mind growing increasingly unstable. Then Hal discovers a groundbreaking proof among the 103 notebooks Catherine’s father left behind, and Catherine is forced to further question how much of her father’s genius or madness will she inherit. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, David Auburn’s Proof is a passionate, intelligent story about fathers and daughters, the nature of genius, and the power of love.


The Nerd

Spring Play

Performed in Space 702 at the Clovis North Educational Center

Evening Performances: February 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24 at 7:30pm

Matinee Performances: February 17 & 24 at 2:00pm

Set in Terre Haute, Indiana in late 1979, The Nerd centers on the hilarious dilemma of a young architect who is visited by Rick Steadman, a fellow ex-GI whom he has never met but who saved his life after he was seriously wounded in Vietnam. Willum is delighted when Rick shows up unexpectedly at his apartment on the night of his thirty-fourth birthday party. However, Rick's awkward manner and inappropriate behavior throw the occasion into shambles. It turns out that Rick is a stupid "nerd" who overstays his welcome with a vengeance.

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The Nerd
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School of Rock

Spring Mainstage Musical

Performed in the Mercedes Edwards Theater

(located on the Clark Intermediate Campus)

Evening Performances: 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 at 7:30pm

Matinee Performances: April 20 & 27 at 2:00pm

Based on the hit 2003 film, School of Rock follows Dewey Finn, a failed wannabe rock star who is down on his luck. After Dewey is kicked out of his band, and threatened with eviction, his fortunes take a turn for the better when he intercepts a phone call meant for his flatmate, Ned Schneebly. He quickly decides to make a bit of cash and pose as Ned to take up a supply teaching post at Horace Green, a prestigious prep school. He is horrified to discover that his straight-laced and straight-A students haven’t a clue about rock and roll, and he makes it his mission to educate them. Dewey realizes they are a talented bunch and he decides to mold them into a rock band and enter the upcoming Battle of the Bands competition. However, he needs to do all of this away from the prying eyes of the school’s principal, Rosalie Mullins. Along the way, Dewey finds romance, self-worth, a proper job, and, most importantly, he teaches the children and their parents the beauty of rock!

School of Rock


All Senior Musical

Performance Space(s) TBA

Evening Performances: May 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 at 7:30pm

Matinee Performances: May 4 & 11 at 2:00pm

“Divorced. Beheaded. Died. Divorced. Beheaded. Survived.”

Six is a modern retelling of the lives of Henry VIII’s six wives: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Katherine Howard, and Catherine Parr. They have come together as a band to stage a pop concert and invite the audience to hear their stories. They cannot decide who should be the lead singer, so they initiate a competition, or singing battle, to see who suffered the most as Queen. Each wife believes they had it toughest and they belittle each other’s attempts to prove their hardship. However, they become frustrated that their place in history is defined by one man. Together, they decide to pick up the pen and the microphone, and re-write their own stories. They are more than a rhyme, more than a wife, and much more than one King could handle.

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Senior Directed Shows

Titles TBA

Performed in Space 702 at the Clovis North Educational Center

Evening Performances: May 22, 23, 24, 25, at 7:30pm

Matinee Performance: May 25 at 2:00pm

Senior Directed


Themed Cabarets are performed monthly in Space 702 at the Clovis North Educational Center. For upcoming events and full schedule click here.

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The Clovis North Improv Team, Constant Interruptions, performs monthly in Space 702 at the Clovis North Educational Center. For upcoming events and full schedule click here.

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